Wednesday, October 5, 2011

FW: Hayfield High School Band Msg #16...Band Booster Meeting 6pm, Wed, 5 0ct 2011 Agenda & Thoughts

Band Booster Family,


Wow…what a blessing!  We had about 25 people @ tonight’s Band Booster mtg.  This is the largest turn-out I’ve seen in a few years…THANK YOU!  Though it’s only anecdotal, it’s evidence that involvement is @ an all-time high, volunteerism is growing, & bench strength is buildingJ


Just some quick thoughts/items:

-          Current Tag Day total is approximately over the $16,000 mark…ASTONISHING during this economic downturn (Michelle Booth & Jocelyn Valdez)

-          Now that we have a competition & 1 home game under our belt, we realize that we don’t need the large army of volunteers for every home game.  I’m going to send e-mails to figure out the best balance of involvement for everyone involved & send out updated spreadsheet with volunteers for each remaining home game.  No worries because there are so many other activities needing your volunteer spiritJ

-          Again, if you are volunteering for any of the remaining home games & you have a season athletic pass…please let me know

-          Mr. Burke shared a UVA Band Day trip opportunity for 20 Feb…more info to follow

-          Mr. Burke mentioned Band Spring Trip, 18-22 Apr to Atlanta, GA…here are the dates for the five payments of $136 (minus any credits students earn through Tag Days, fruit sales, & so on): 5 Oct, 2 Nov, 4 Jan, 1 Feb, & 7 Mar…Checks payable to Hayfield Band Boosters

-          Mr. Burke is requesting help for fitting girls for concert dresses…more info to follow

-          If you have any tuxedos or accessories that you either want to donate, trade, or sell, please send me detailed info & I’ll advertise through Band Booster e-mails

-          Attached is the coupon for the Band Booster UNO Fundraiser all day, Thur, 27 Oct (Kristy Baik)

-          Fruit sale info & documents can be found & downloaded here: (Linda Lichtman)

-          For those that couldn’t attend the mtg, Jessica Tyeryar is putting together the mtg minutes that will be forwarded as soon as feasibleJ


Please give yourselves a pat on the back because the Band Boosters are on the rise.  At the beginning of  this e-mail, I mentioned growth in our numbers as one piece of evidence of our bench strength.  More importantly, I see two other signs: so many new faces/names & people filling important positions & roles from parents of juniors, sophomores, & freshmen to continue the Band legacy went parents of seniors exit after graduationJ


NOTE: If you’re interested, Dr. Kinder is posting pictures of the Band at:


A few reminders for upcoming events:

- Next home football in band room 6 pm, Fri, 14 Oct.  Again, if you have a season athletic pass, please e-mail meJ

- Next competition @ Oakton…Sat, 15 Oct…times to be determined


Miscellaneous items:

-       So far, Tag Day with mail-ins have received approximately over $16,000…WOW!

-       If you take pictures/videos of our band students, I request that you either e-mail them to me or put them on CD/DVD & pass them to my son, Justin Russell; so, I can use them for the slide show during the Marching Band Awards, Wed, 9 Nov

-       Parents of seniors, it’s not too early to be thinking about the 3 pictures (baby pic, kid pic, & senior pic) you want to use for the Final Concert, Wed, 6 Jun 2012


Based on the rest of the week, attached is the most current Excel spreadsheet with volunteers to include those that I’ve noted on Sign-Up Genius.  We still need a few volunteer slots filled.  Please see either Sign-Up Genius ( ) or the attached Excel spreadsheet.  Hope to see you all @ multiple events to support & cheer on our students.

Finally, our students REALLY NEED YOU!  As most teenagers, they will NEVER admit this.  Your VOLUNTEERISM is ESSENTIAL to THEIR SUCCESS!!!  Additionally, they really do APPRECIATE seeing you @ their various events cheering for them.  I hope to see ALL the parents volunteering @ various events throughout the year: )  If there is ANYTHING I can do or answer, please let me know.  Please keep the following links for future reference:

-       Hayfield Secondary School

-       Hayfield Band webpage

-       Band Booster Blog

-       Band Booster Sign-Up Genius


Humbly serving our kids,

Che Russell

Home (703) 405-9065

Cell (703) 963-4655

Work (202) 231-6273