Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Graduation lunch helpers needed

Good morning,

The Band Boosters are responsible for providing and serving lunch to students from band, orchestra and chorus that are performing at Graduation on Friday.

We have a couple of volunteers already signed up, but we could surely use a few more.  If you are available around 11:30-12 on Fridayto help set up and start serving lunch around 12:30, we'd greatly appreciate your help!!!

Friday, June 3, 2016


Hello again all band parents!!

We are starting a Fundraising Drive to ... wait for it ... GET NEW UNIFORMS!!!!
more details about the uniform in separate email ....

CARWASH!!!!!  Saturday, 9am - 2pm!!

This SATURDAY our Drumline and Band Students will host a car wash in the front of Hayfield by the drop off loop.  9am-2pm.

If you have not yet signed up, you can at : http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0b4baca92ea1ff2-carwash

PLEASE come out and TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!  Saturday is supposed to be Beautiful car washing weather!!

ZIPS DRY CLEANING FUNDRAISER!!!  //  Thursday ALL DAY!!    7am - 8pm

It is that time of year again...  The Alexandria North Kings Highway location is sponsoring a fundraiser .. we earn 10% of all sales.
Bring your clothes, comforters, jackets -- THURSDAY!! All Day!!  7am-8pm
You don't need to bring the flyer or mention the Band we earn 10% of everything dropped off !!
Last year ZIPS donated over $500 to our band program from this fundraiser!!
Plus since our concert is Tuesday -- we can all bring the tuxedos in for Dry Cleaning!!

PLEASE COME OUT and share this email with your friends!!!
Text your friends ... facebook ... twitter ...

We are looking to earn $37,500 to purchase new band uniforms!!  Let's start this off with a BANG!

See you Saturday!  and Tuesday! and Thursday!!  


Good afternoon band parents,

I am forwarding this note from Mr. Burke (and I have a few others to send as well).

I will be at the concert Saturday and I will be available to collect / return checks for the Marching Band fees.

See you Tuesday!!  
Theresa Larsen 703-966-5539
Booster Mom

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Burke, Patrick P <pburke@fcps.edu>
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 10:10 AM
Subject: email to band.
To: "larsen, Theresa" <larsentjk@gmail.com>

Parents of 2016-2017 band members,


We have lowered the fee for marching band next year! In discussions with the finance department and the administration here at Hayfield, We have lowered the mandatory marching band fee for next year from $150 to $125If you have sent in a check, or paid using SCHOOL PAY, we will be returning that to you, and asking for a new check for $125.


Please remember that regardless of whether your child is participating in competition band or Friday only band, the fee is required of all high school band members.


Apologies for any inconvenience, and thank you for your  all your time and effort in the band program.




Patrick Burke

Director of Bands

Hayfield Secondary School

7630 Telegraph Road

Alexandria, Virginia 22315


