Friday, October 30, 2015


Hello Band Family,

As you may know, the music department is sponsoring a trip to Myrtle Beach, SC on April 14-17, 2016.  You can find information about this trip at

Unfortunately, this trip is in jeopardy of being cancelled.  Please talk with your student and turn the paperwork/1st payment in a soon as possible. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience performing in front of highly skilled clinicians.

If you think your student has signed up and turned in their paperwork/payment, please ask them if they, in fact, did.  If you need a copy of the form and payment schedule, please visit

Please return them to school as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Band Boosters

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fruit Sale Form

Good evening all,

It has come to my attention that not everyone got an order form from their hard working student.  I've attached a form you may use.

Hope this helps with your orders.

Fruit Sale Coordinator

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hayfield Secondary School Band Boosters

 Annual Florida Citrus Fruit Sale

October 15 – November 6 (form orders)

November 9 (online orders)



Parents, have you ever wondered how you can help the band boosters support the band program and earn money toward your student's spring band trip?

It's easy! Each year our band sells delicious fresh Florida navel oranges and red grapefruit in October for delivery in December. The fruit is picked and shipped within 48 hours of delivery to our school, and is the best that Florida has to offer. 

During the sale, encourage your student to ask everyone they know – family, friends, neighbors, teachers, former band families, mail carriers, etc. – if they would like to buy fruit. You can even ask your coworkers. You'll be surprised how many people really look forward to our fruit sale each year.

Students will earn money in the form of credits to their spring trip accounts for each box of fruit you and they sell. The more they sell, the less the trip will cost. Some students have sold enough boxes to cover the final few payments of their trips.

Band students will be selling both single variety and mixed 10 lb. boxes of fruit this year. 

16-18 Oranges      8-10 Grapefruit     6-8 Oranges/Grapefruit     Tangelos

     $22.00                     $22.00                             $22.00                     $22.00


In person, the student records the orders on the order form; collects checks made payable to Band Boosters or cash; and then submits the order form and money to the band room.

Online, simply click on You can either have the fruit delivered to Hayfield or have it shipped directly to its destination for an additional cost. Other gift options are also available.  To make sure your child receive band credit click on Get Seller, then select the band Group they are in, and then select your child's name. If no seller is selected your purchase will go to the band program.

Thank you for your support and for helping to make our fruit sale fundraiser a success!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015


Good morning Band Family,

Please find attached the schedule for this weekend. The band will NOT travel to the away game on Friday due to their early start Saturday. Schedule includes Saturday competition and Sunday parade.

Also, ladies in the band have been fitted for their concert dresses. A flyer is attached. Payment of $65 is due by November 6th, checks payable to Hayfield Band Boosters.  Gentlemen require a tuxedo before their first concert on December 10th (see flyer).

Saturday, October 24- VBODA ASSESSMENT
        Rock Ridge High School- 43460 Louden Reserve Dr. Ashburn,Va 2014
       7:30am-report, dress for competition
       8:30am -Depart
      11:00am- perform
      11:45am receive ratings, dapart for lunch ** you will need some lunch money
       we will stop at a place with a couple of fast food places.
      3:00pm -return to Hayfield,  dismissed ** take home your instrument and uniform for parade on sunday
Sunday, October 25- Hayfield Farms Parade
     1:30pm -school will be open to get equipment
     2:30pm- Report to Hayfield Farms Community Pool
    3:00pm -parade step off. end of parade is park on bing ct and hayfield farms road.
    3:45pm- school open to put equipment away.

Thank you for your support!

Lori Graziano

Monday, October 19, 2015


Hi friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers,

John and Joseph Larsen are part of Boy Scout Troop 1519.  We sincerely hope you are willing to help our troop while at the same time, honoring our veterans during the holidays.

We have joined the Wreaths Across America project to not only raise money to support Troop 1519; but also to support our veterans and their families as we will never forget the sacrifices they have made to keep our nation free.

Wreaths Across America supplies evergreen wreaths that are laid at cemetaries including Arlington National Cemetary during the holiday season.  Our troop selected Arlington National Cemetary because there are never enough wreaths to place at each of the graves.  It is absolutely a breathtaking sight and emotional moment if you visit cemetaries supported by Wreaths Across America project during the holidays.  

John and Joseph are not only working to raise funds for the wreaths – they will be a part of the Remembrance Wreath Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetary on December 12th.

We sincerely hope you can support by even sponsoring one wreath as that alone can make a huge difference. Sponsoring a single wreath is just $15.

·        The deadline to sponsor a wreath is 29 November 2015.

·        Please click the link at the bottom of this email to help.  

·        Then look for the red box on the right hand side of the page, entitled

·        :            VA0220P- Boy Scouts Troop 1519

Please forward this message on to those you know and help us show our veterans we will never forget, especially during the holiday season.

Click here to view the team page for VA0220P- Boy Scouts Troop 1519
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:


If you have any questions, feel free to call me.  703 966 5539 or email me:

You may also mail your sponsorship to us:  The Larsen Family, 5200 Calabria Court, Alexandria, VA 22315

Wreaths Across America
PO Box 249 Columbia Falls, ME 04623
Phone: (207) 470-0967  |  Fax: (877) 385-9504

Privacy Policy  |  Visit Our Website  |  Unsubscribe



We NEED cases of water .. Please let me know if you have a COSTCO card and are able to pick up cases of water before Friday.  Rafael our treasurer will reimburse you.

We could also use some 2 liter bottles of Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and Orange / Grape sodas.

Thanks much, Theresa

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hayfield Band Fruit Fundraiser


Hayfield Secondary School Band Boosters

 Annual Florida Citrus Fruit Sale


October 15 – November 6

Delivery: December 4, 2015


Have you ever wondered how you can help the band boosters support the band program and earn money toward your student's spring band trip?

It's easy! Each year our band sells delicious fresh Florida navel oranges, red grapefruit, and tangelos in October for delivery in December. The fruit is picked and shipped within 48 hours of delivery to our school, and is the best that Florida has to offer.  

During the sale, encourage your student to ask everyone they know – family, friends, neighbors, teachers, former band families, mail carriers, etc. – if they would like to buy fruit. You can even ask your coworkers. You'll be surprised how many people really look forward to our fruit sale each year. Some will buy it to help the band, others will buy it because they like your kid, and many will buy it just because they really enjoy the fruit!

Students will earn money in the form of credits to their spring trip accounts for each box of fruit you and they sell. The more they sell, the less the trip will cost. Some students have sold enough boxes to cover the final few payments of their trips.

Band students will be selling both single variety and mixed 10 lb. boxes of fruit this year. 

Boxes of 16-18 Navel Oranges -- $22.00

Boxes of 8-10 Red Grapefruit -- $22.00

Mixed boxes of Oranges & Grapefruit -- $22.00

Boxes 6-8 Tagelos -- $22.00


Further information, order forms, and instructions for ordering online will be available on the band website and will also be distributed to your student Thursday, October 15th.


The Band Boosters thanks you for your support and for helping

to make our fruit sale a success!!!

If you do not want to receive these emails, please reply to this address and I will take you off the distribution.

Friday, October 9, 2015


We are cancelling tonights game due to the weather. Please pass on the information.

See you tomorrow.

On Oct 1, 2015 1:35 PM, "Theresa Larsen" <> wrote:
Band Booster Parents --

The Band Booster meeting for this evening has been moved to next week.

Based on the weather forecast, school has moved the football game to this evening.  However, the marching band will NOT be playing  ... we cannot have students required to be at an afterschool event that ends at 10pm on a school night (unless it was previously scheduled).

Additionally, thanks to our volunteers from sign up genius that signed up for this Friday --- we won't be needing your help this week after all.

Thanks to all of our parents for all that you do.  See you next Thursday!

Theresa Larsen

Thursday, October 1, 2015


Band Parents ,

I am sure that you are all aware of the potential budget challenges of FCPS.  As parents, we are all able to share our opinions with the online budget proposal tool on

There is a group known as FACE - Fairfax Arts Coalition in Education and they are leading the fight to save the arts in Fairfax County. Below is the email that was sent to Mr. Burke from a fellow band director in our county.  Please take the time to read his and his co-chair comments.  Then access the budget tool to submit a proposal that would not eliminate our band programs.

I am not sure how long the tool will be available -- but please try to submit your proposal by October 5th.  The tool is quite simple to use; however, making the choices is a bit more difficult.  The website offers choices of services, adding to the classroom size, changing the school start time, 1/2 day kindergarten and others.  Share your opinions.  This is one way to try to have your tax dollars be spent where you believe is most important to you. 

Thanks for your support.  Theresa Larsen

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christian Donlon <>
Date: Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 11:45 PM

Dear Colleagues.


I hope everyone had a smooth first week of school!  Please read this in its entirety.  Mary Wagner, Jenna Day (FACE Booster Coordinator) and Joan Delcoco (FACE Choir Parent Contact) attended the information meeting on the budget Wednesday.  The meeting was well attended and we had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Garza, Budget Task Force members and a few school board members.


There is a new task for you to complete by Oct 5.  School board member and long time advocate for the Arts, Janie Strauss, calls this a "critical task." 


Click the following link to access the new budget tool:  


Once there, you will find very clear instructions on how to use the tool.  Basically, they are asking the public to look at the list of possible cuts and fee increases for guidance.  You need to cut $50 million and as you drag your choices to the proposal section, the cost is subtracted from the $50 million.  You have to be within 10% of the $50 million or the tool will not let you finish.


Below are a list of cuts that impact the arts, do not include any of the following when you list your cuts:  

·         Reduce High School Class Offerings from the current 7 Classes to 6 classes for  $26 million. (School and Staffing category)

·         Go to a Trimester High School schedule with 5 periods a day for $16.7 Million. (School and Staffing category)

·         Elementary Band and Orchestra which would move the starting year back by one so Strings would start in 5th grade and Band in 6th.  This is a $4.5 Million cut and would include 49 positions. (Instructional Programs)

·         Eliminate stipends. (Employee Compensation)


Once you complete a $50 million proposal, you will be asked if you would like to submit a proposal for a $75 million deficit; please do this (it will counteract many folks from choosing the 7 period day to close the remaining shortfall) Finally, you can enter your comments.  You should clearly state your priorities regarding which programs should  be kept, i.e., the Arts.  Once you finish you will be asked if you are a community member, parent, student or teacher.  Use your personal email address and choose community member.  If you do not live in Fairfax County you may choose teacher.  Give your zip code and your email to receive updates.  Dr. Garza and FEA are encouraging teachers to do this also but we can do that later.  This information MUST be shared with your parents. 


I used the tool this evening.  It was very difficult to imagine anything on the list going away.  Given all that is on the chopping block, the elementary band and string cut looks very feasible.  The public will think it's only one year and it cuts $4.5 million, easy choice. After speaking to people at the meeting, the 7 period day looks less likely to be cut BUT if people fill in this tool and tell them to cut it, it will go.  


It is a very busy time of year for everybody.  While I appreciate this fact, we need to do more.  I only received a booster contact from two people and noticed very little change in votes on the budget suggestion topics that were addressed in the last email.  Please know that the school board, superintendent, and budget task force have stated they do not want to cut the arts.  However, if they do not receive the message loud and clear to leave them alone, they will.  Inaction could be devastating to our programs; we are counting on you to do this!


Christian Donlon  & Mary Wagner

FACE co-chairs


Band Booster Parents --

The Band Booster meeting for this evening has been moved to next week.

Based on the weather forecast, school has moved the football game to this evening.  However, the marching band will NOT be playing  ... we cannot have students required to be at an afterschool event that ends at 10pm on a school night (unless it was previously scheduled).

Additionally, thanks to our volunteers from sign up genius that signed up for this Friday --- we won't be needing your help this week after all.

Thanks to all of our parents for all that you do.  See you next Thursday!

Theresa Larsen