Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 15): Volunteers Needed for Home Football Game Friday, 27 September

Volunteers are needed across the board for Friday Night's game.  Please consider donating a couple of hours to help move equipment, distribute uniforms, or provide other support required.  Needs are listed on our Signup Genius site.   
We would like to continue to provide the same level of support to the Band program that we have provided in past years.  That requires volunteer manpower. 
The Spirit Wear order arrived yesterday.  It will be distributed to the students tomorrow during the pizza dinner.
If you are making a snack or water donation, please provide your donation before 6 p.m.  These items must be loaded into bins and coolers and transported to the field by the equipment movers shortly after 6 p.m. 
Please donate snack items that are individually packaged.  Items that are popular with the students include granola and cereal bars, chips, pop tarts, cookies, etc.  If you are donating water, please provide a full case (ranges from 24-35 bottles depending on where you buy it) of 8 oz bottles.  We are using 8 oz bottles this year to avoid the waste we observed last year when we used 16 oz bottles. 
If you have signed up for a food or water donation and are subsequently unable to provide it, please let us know 24 hours in advance.  We are supporting over 85 students this year (almost double that of last year) so every item is needed.
Snacks and water should be dropped off in the band room.  Please leave them in the uniform closet where they will be secure until game time. 
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
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