Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 28): Homecoming Parade and Game, Friday, October 25

Greetings Boosters,
A few notes to finish the week...
Football game Friday Night.  We still need a few volunteers for the to assist with equipment movement for Friday night's football game. If you can help, please sign up at our site
Fruit Sale.  How are your fruit sales going?  If you are looking for ideas to increase your fruit sales, why not share our online site with friends, relatives, acquaintances who may be outside the local delivery area.  Just send them the following link and let the shopping begin.   
Take a look at the option to have fruit delivered to the buyer's door.  This option offers a wider variety of fruit and treat combinations.  Additionally, when selecting home delivery, the buyer can elect to have the fruit delivered as soon as possible, pre-Thanksgiving or pre-Christmas.   I have used the home delivery option to send fruit to friends and family and it works great.  If you have questions about the fruit sale, please don't hesitate to send us a note.
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
Hayfield Band Booster Blog