Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 23): Fruit Sale Information and Files

Hayfield Secondary School Band Boosters
 Annual Florida Citrus Fruit Sale
October 15 – November 1 
Delivery: December 5, 2013
Parents, have you ever wondered how you can help the band boosters support the band program and earn money toward your student's spring band trip?
It's easy! Each year our band sells delicious fresh Florida navel oranges and red grapefruit in October for delivery in December. The fruit is picked and shipped within 48 hours of delivery to our school, and is the best that Florida has to offer. 
During the sale, encourage your student to ask everyone they know – family, friends, neighbors, teachers, former band families, mail carriers, etc. – if they would like to buy fruit. You can even ask your coworkers. You'll be surprised how many people really look forward to our fruit sale each year. Some will buy it to help the band, others will buy it because they like your kid, and many will buy it just because they really enjoy the fruit!
Students will earn money in the form of credits to their spring trip accounts for each box of fruit you and they sell. The more they sell, the less the trip will cost. Some students have sold enough boxes to cover the final few payments of their trips.
Band students will be selling both single variety and mixed 10 lb. boxes of fruit this year. 
Students may take an order for fruit from a customer either in person or have their customer order online directly from the fruit company. In person, the student records the orders on the attached order form, collects checks or cash, and then submits the order form and collected monies to the band. Online, the customer can be contacted by email, then order online directly from the fruit company whenever it's convenient, and pay by credit or debit card. When the online orders are picked up at the school, the student will receive the customers' names and addresses to whom they will then deliver the fruit. Please see the online ordering instruction sheet for more information. The online ordering instructions may be copied and distributed to the student's customers who would like to order online. More information is on the band website http://www.hayfieldbands.com/ under the Fruit Sale tab.
Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheet files have been developed and used by a band booster parent to help manage and increase her students' sales. Some of the files include an order spreadsheet, a customizable word document that you can pass around to your coworkers at your office, and an email template to send to your friends and relatives. These files are attached to this email for your use.
Four sheets of paper are being sent home with your students. They include a) this letter, b) online ordering instructions with order form, c) the customizable form already customized that you can share with your coworkers, d) fruit order form from Florida Indian River Groves. On most of these, you can find your student's name, band, and Seller ID code.
If you have any questions, there is a Contact Us button on the fruit company's website that can be found on the band website linked above.
Thank you for your support and for helping to make our fruit sale fundraiser a success!!!