Sunday, May 30, 2010

HSS Band 2009-10.73 Parade Reminders

Hi Band Boosters!

Just a few reminders as we get ready for the National Memorial Day Parade Tomorrow ...

parents who can help with uniform prep please come between 9:45am and 11am (BYO Iron)

students report at 11am to rehearse and dress; students should have: black shoes, black socks and light-weight shorts and t-shirt to wear under the uniform

parent chaperones please wear some Hayfield attire: band booster shirt; other band shirt; other Hayfield shirt -- we'll have some extra band shirts for those of you who may need one

everyone (chaperones & students) should bring: a bag lunch; cold water; and sunblock

Thanks again to all of you who have offered to send in water and snacks; it's going to be a hot day, so I'm sure the kids will be so grateful for your contributions.

If you can't make it to the parade, it'll be streamed live online at the National Memorial Day web site:

Proud to be a band parent,
Lorraine Monaco