Friday, May 28, 2010

HSS Band 2009-10.72 Some parade details

Hi Band Boosters!

Here are some last-minute details for Monday.

* We have about 20 parents signed up to chaperone. If you have an extra band booster t-shirt you wouldn't mind sharing; would you please bring it with you on Monday morning?

* We will load the truck with instruments and a big cooler with ice (Thanks, Kim Barber!) -- water and snacks will be loaded onto the truck and buses. Half the water/snacks will be distributed at the beginning of the parade; half will stay on ice in the truck for after the parade.

* After helping at the staging area; parents are free to watch the parade anywhere along the route. (We're not setting up 'stations' along the way as we originally thought.) After the parade, meet up at the loading area at the end of the parade route (17th & Virginia Ave).

* HELP NEEDED Monday morning: We are still getting the uniforms ready for their Prime-Time appearance .... Dottie and I will arrive at school around 9:45a to finish sewing and ironing ... if you can show up and help that would be appreciated .... BYOIron (especially an iron with a steam setting.) THANKS.

* LOOKING AHEAD - The end-of-year concert is Tuesday --- The talented and generous Atsuko Russell (thanks, Atsuko!) has volunteered to organize making boutonnieres for the Seniors who will receive recognition at the concert -- if you can help, please meet us in the band room between 2pm-4:30pm.

Please remember to check the band web site for details - and if you have questions, feel free to get in touch with me.

Looking forward to a fun day,
Lorraine Monaco