Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HSS band 2009.10-30 Uno's night, Candy bags, flowers, Trip money, fruit sales

Good Morning, Band Boosters!

UNO's Fundraiser! Details to come, but, for now, mark November 10 on your calendar for dinner at Unos. Unos will donate part of the proceeds that evening to the band program. (Many thanks to Linda Lichtman for organizing this!)

Treat bags: No tricks, just treats! We're going to give our band students treat bags after the competition on Halloween. Send in candy by Thursday. Meet in the band room from 2:30-4:30 (during rehearsal) on Thursday to assemble the bags. (We do have the bags already.)

Flowers: Reminder that we're making boutonnieres for Senior night on Thursday evening. Right now, the only parents who've let me know they're coming are parents of Seniors! I was thinking it might be a nice tradition for parents of Fresh, Soph, and Juniors to make the flowers for the senior parents! So -- even though I'm "craft-challenged" and have the fine motor skills of a chubby-fingered toddler, I will show up and see if I can help. If you can stop by between 6-8pm, Atsuko Russell has said she can teach us how to do this. Please Bring Your Own Scissors (and in my case, my own band-aids!)

Spring Trip - Please see new information on the band web site about the trip (revised schedule and cost). The deadline for the first payment of $171.25 is due by November 4.

Orange you glad it's Fruit Time! Don't forget to take orders for fruit. The deadline to turn in your order form is November 6. The fruit will be delivered in early December -- perfect time to give gifts of healthy fruit to friends, co-workers, and relatives!

Donations for Football Game - Can you send in a case of water or some snacks?

Volunteers for Saturday's Competition: Please let me know if you would like to help with uniforms, be a bus chaperone, or help with equipment. It's an early schedule! The kids should be on the field to rehearse at 7:30am; load bus at 8:15am; leave at 9am; perform at 11a; return around 2pm.

Special shout-out to the band students who cleaned up the band storage closet this week !! Wow -- it's beautiful! (We should have "before" and "after" pictures!!!) Thank you so much.

We have great band kids and band parents!

Humbly serving our kids,
Lorraine Monaco