Wednesday, October 7, 2009

HSS Band 2009-10.23 Home game Friday; Meeting highlights; Oakton Schedule

Hi Band Boosters!
Many thanks to the volunteers for Friday's game. Also, a big welcome to the middle-school students who will join the marching band for this game.
Uniforms (report 6pm): Sabrena Capel, Glenda Jones, Elsa Palting
Equipment (report by 6:30pm): Ed Capel, Mary Hess, Nick Milton, Dave Collins, Robert Palting, Don Stevenson, Che Russell
Stands: Bettina Dowell
Water (send in 1 case of water bottles): Sabrena Capel, M. Hall, L Bell, C. Wagner, B. Dowell
Snacks (send in 1-2 dozen snacks): Glenda Jones, Amy Taylor, Marie Sudik

Here are some highlights from the Band Booster meeting last week:
Tag Day Report -- donation envelopes continue to come in, and we're approaching $17,000 in revenue. IMPORTANT - Erin Fitzsimmons would love to have someone join her in running Tag Day next year -- it's more fun with two chairmen, AND it would allow someone the chance to train for the position and be able to take it over when Erin needs to step down. So -- parents of 9th or 10th graders, please consider working on this important band event. (Contact Erin if you have questions.)

New York trip -- preliminary plans are to leave Thursday morning (5am, 4/15) and return either Saturday night or Sunday morning. The itinerary includes a broadway show, visit to Central Park, an Italian dinner, sightseeing, and more. Student performances are scheduled for Friday. Details are still being finalized - check the band web site. The first payment is due November 1.

Uniforms -- plans are to keep the same style of uniform, but replace bibs and jackets as needed; first in line for replacement will probably be the hats.

Fruit Sale -- we need someone to co-ordinate our annual Fruit Sale Fundraiser. Former chair Tim Fay is willing to answer questions and provide guidance on this. Also -- the company was moving toward online sales, so the job may become easier than in the past. Please contact and/or if you can help.

Photos -- parents of seniors should send photos for the Senior Slide Show to Mary Anne Mulligan (3 photos: baby, "young", and senior-year)
ALSO - if you have pictures from marching band this year, Che Russell has offered to put together a slide show for the marching band dinner on November 4. You can contact Che by email, or send in a CD with pictures for Justin to take home.

Mr. Burke has posted the schedule for the Oakton Competition on the band web site:

Oakton Invitational Marching Competition

October 17, 2009
High School. 2900 Sutton Road, Vienna, Va 22181

10:45am – Report to field. Rehearse

11:30am – Dress for competition

12:15am – Depart for Oakton High School

1:30pm – Warm up

2:30pm – Performance. Then watch other groups.

4:40pm – Awards at Oakton High School

5:30pm – Depart for Hayfield

6:30pm – Return to Hayfield Stow away equipment and uniforms, then dismissed

Don't forget:

Black socks, marching shoes, t shirt, shorts, drinks, and a superior attitude!

HSS Community News

Please see the attached flier about a Car Wash on Saturday October 10 from 9am - 2pm to benefit the All Night Grad Party.
Also, note that there's a new link on the band booster blog to our Hayfield PTSA web site ~ you can follow the instructions on that site to join the PTSA if you haven't already done so for this school year.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions!

Humbly serving our kids,
Lorraine Monaco