Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hayfield High School Band Msg #24...Letters of Appreciation Offer

Band Booster Family,


This has been an extremely successful band year so far.  It’s difficult to believe we began this past Aug with Marching Band.  We couldn’t have done this without your volunteer spirit and putting our students first.  Though I can’t compensate you in any monetary way, I make the following tangible offer…same as previous years when I was Prez.  If you would like me to send an e-mail “Letter of Appreciation” to your supervisors, bosses, chain of command, etc, I would be honored to on your behalf.  I know that most jobs like to know that their workers are volunteering in the community & may help their overall eval.  In order to help me help you, I need the following:

-       Your full name

-       Supervisor, boss, chain of command, etc full name with duty title

-       Their e-mail address(es)

-       Quick reminder of what, when, & how you volunteered


Whether you take this offer or not, please accept my gratitude for an outstanding and memorable year so far.  We’re not done yet…still more to come before graduation—Thur, 14 Jun 2012: )


Humbly serving our kids,

Che Russell

Home (703) 405-9065

Cell (703) 963-4655

Work (202) 231-6273