Sunday, October 17, 2010

HSS Band 2010-11.18 It's Time to Sell Fruit! (and send in trip payment #1)

Dear Band Boosters,

Can't start this note w/out thanking all the TERRIFIC volunteers who helped with this busy Homecoming & Competition Weekend -- from pizza and snacks on Friday afternoon; to the game and all the festivities Friday night; to the competition Saturday there were MANY hands helping out and making it all run smoothly ... and congrats to the students for a great job with multiple events: the neighborhood parade on Friday; providing great music for the game that night -- including putting on a wonderful show even though it was late and cold; and then concluding with a professional performance at the Oakton competition. The Hayfield Marching Hawks are a class act!

FOR ALL BAND MEMBERS: It's time to start selling fruit!

Many thanks to Linda Lichtman who has volunteered to chair the fruit sales this year. Information has come home with your students, plus there's info on the band web site

In addition, Linda has provided some order forms and a spread sheet for keeping track of sales (attached to this email and on the band web site). As a veteran band parent, she's developed and used these forms for several years -- they've greatly simplified the whole process of selling and tracking her children's fruit sales.

1. An EXCEL spreadsheet useful for tracking your sales. You enter the customer's information and quantity of fruit ordered, and the spreadsheet will calculate the amount of the sale. It also allows you to keep track of cash and checks received and shows the outstanding balance. Please print and return a completed copy of the spreadsheet with your order. Be sure that you have entered your student's name and your email and phone number in case we have any questions. (Fruit sales 2010.xls) [NOTE from Lorraine: This was REALLY helpful last year when it came time to tally the total fruit sales and place the order; this is a wonderful tool to use if you have more than just one or two orders to keep track of!]

2. A customizable WORD document that your parents can either print and fill in or download, modify, print and then circulate around their office. Choose either son or daughter or both if applicable, fill in your child's name, and the instrument he or she plays. You may want to further customize the form by stating in which band(s) he or she plays. Be sure to sign the bottom, under Thanks again. An order form is also attached for your convenience and can be printed on the back of the customizable document. (customizable fruit info.doc)

3. Additional order forms. (Fruit order form.doc)

ONE final note about fruit sales: Please make sure all payments accompany your order; and that checks and cash are clearly labeled. Double-check that the correct payment is included with your order, and please make sure your student's name and contact info are on the final order.

REMINDER: your students will earn a $5 credit applied to their students account for each box of fruit that is sold. DEADLINE: November 5.

The deadline for the first payment for the Orlando Trip was last Friday, October 15. If your students would like to attend the trip, please send in the first payment ASAP to reserve your spot. Information about the trip is on the band web site (Check for $166 made out to Hayfield Secondary School)

Schedule for the Week:
Tuesday,Oct.19, 6pm-8pm m.b.rehearsal
Wednesday,Oct.20, 2:30pm-4:30pm, m.b.rehearsal
Thursday,Oct.21, 2:30pm-4:30pm, m.b. rehearsal

Looking Ahead:
Marching Band VBODA competition: Saturday, October 30
Marching Band in Hayfield Farm Neighborhood Halloween Parade: Sunday, October 31 1pm
Marching Band Home Football Game (Senior Recognition Night): Friday, November 5
Marching Band Award Banquet: Tuesday, November 9

Once again -- a big thanks to all the hardy parents and student volunteers, who worked so hard this past weekend ... I think the announcer at Oakton was genuinely impressed by our outstanding HAWKS FLIGHT CREW ... and our big cheering section in the stands!

Please feel free to call or email with suggestions, ideas or questions.

Humbly serving our kids and happy to be a band parent,