Tuesday, September 28, 2010

HSS Band 2010-11.14 Measure for concert dresses; Schedule

Hi Band Boosters,

Here's a note from Mr. Burke about Concert Dress:

All students in band are required to wear a specific uniform for concerts. The first performance with the uniforms for this season will be December 7, 2010.

The gentlemen are required to wear a black tuxedo jacket with black tuxedo pants, a black bow tie, black cummerbund and a white tuxedo shirt. Parents of males are on their own to source this through local retailers. [In the past, JC Penny's has had good deals]

The ladies are required to wear a black dress sold by Stage Accents. We save on shipping by placing one large order. To prepare for the order, we'll have volunteers from Band Boosters in the classroom the first week of October to measure the ladies and take orders. If your daughter needs to order a dress this year, please send in a check for $65.00 made payable to Hayfield Band Boosters.

We're looking for some moms to help size the ladies or the concert dresses. If you can come into school during band class (5th or 7th period on Wednesday or Friday), please email me bandlsm@gmail.com and Mr. Burke at patrick.burke@fcps.edu

Note: 5th period is 10:32-12:05 and 7th period is 12:36-2:05.

Heres's the schedule for the week from the web site:

Tuesday, Sept.28, 6pm-8pm m.b.rehearsal
Wednesday, Sept.29, 2:30pm-4:30pm, m.b.rehearsal
Thursday, Sept. 30, 2:30pm-4:30pm, m.b. rehearsal
Friday, October 1, Home Football Game.

Photographer will be in the band room on Wednesday, Sep 29 from 3pm - 7pm to take orders for photos. Bring your checkbook. From past experience, you also should be prepared to wait. A sales rep will meet w/ each person individually to look at proofs and take order.

Thanks to everyone who has signed up to help on Friday. It looks like we could use one more case of water; a few more parents to help with uniforms (NOTE - this includes having someone in charge of 'plumes' for the hats); and more people to move equipment before the game and at halftime. We especially need volunteers to help before the game: we've got ladders; a drumset; props; and lots of other stuff to get out onto the field. Here's the online signup:
http://signupgenius.com/go/hssband or send me an email if you can help.

And - did you see the notice that, thanks to a promotion from Capital One, admission to the game on Friday is FREE. I'm guessing we'll have a good crowd!

As always, thanks for all your support ~ it makes a difference for the kids.
