Thursday, November 5, 2009

HSS Band 2009-10.34 Due Dates and Game Tomorrow

Hi Band Family!
Thanks to everyone who made the Marching Band awards banquet such a fun (and tasty!) evening. The Section Leaders did an outstanding job with their presentations; well done! Mr. Russell put together a great slide show . . . and it's now on YouTube (Thanks, Che!)

Please turn in fruit order forms TOMORROW. Include payment with your orders; checks made out to Hayfield Band Boosters.

Also - the deadline for the first trip payment was yesterday; please turn in the $171.25 check made out to Hayfield Secondary School ASAP.

Finally -- I hope to see many of you at Edison tomorrow for the "Battle of the Birds!" The game is the Fox News High School Game of the Week. Wear your orange and white and come support our team. The football team has dedicated their season to Coach BIlly Pugh, who is recovering from a stroke. Marching band students should report to Hayfield at 6pm to take the bus over to the game.

Humbly serving our kids,
Lorraine Monaco