Tuesday, November 17, 2009


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Margi and Bill Flynn <my4flynns@verizon.net>
Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 9:51 AM

11/17/09  (from Denny Stokes)


Greetings, and thanks for your generous offer to participate in the FACE campaign to preserve music education in our elementary schools.  As the parents, participants and benefactors of this outstanding program, your voice is the most important in what will become a "sea of sound" during the coming budget process.  The collective will of parents and families, properly articulated and overwhelmingly presented, cannot be thwarted in the long run.  Having said that, I would be less than honest if I did not characterize the issue we face as the most serious challenge to music education in Fairfax county in the last 33+ years.

Some general thoughts:
  • Check in often at the FACE Website:  http://faceadvocacy.org/
  • Expect a certain amount of mixed information, even confusion, as the organization of this effort develops.  LOTS of talented people are bringing assets to the process, all with the best intentions.
  • If you, and/or students attended any of the board meetings at libraries on Saturday, thanks for your positive support.  We have received feedback that your presence has impact. There are several such meetings scheduled for December 2, listed on the County website.  WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT LARGE NUMBERS OF STUDENTS IN UNIFORM, WILL HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT.
  • Familiarize yourself with the names of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, and the Fairfax County School Board.  
  • Familiarize yourself with the process, as outlined on the FCPS website, for signing up as a speaker.  This information can also be found on the FACE site.
  • Tell your kids to go practice (well, of course!).
It's time for us to get together.  You are invited to join us on December 7 at KING KINGS LUTHERAN CHURCH, 4025 Kings Way - Fairfax, VA  22033 (very near the intersection of US Rt. 50 and Fairfax County Parkway), 7:30 pm.  At this meeting, we will:
  • conduct a general overview of the process, history, and anticipated flow of events in the coming weeks and months
  • review some common goals, understandings and "talking points"
  • identify "to do" items for parent organizations at the school level  
  • establish a "steering committee" to facilitate future gatherings
  • Seek specific volunteers for selected tasks

One of my most common instructions to students during my tenure in FCPS was "You can have whatever you want, if you are willing to work for it, and sometimes, fight for it."  So it is with us. This will require our best efforts and unyielding tenacity...not a project for the faint of heart!  So, let's roll up our sleeves and take charge of this issue!
Looking forward to seeing you on the 7th.

Denny Stokes,
"Temporary Chair"
FACE Boosters