Thursday, April 26, 2018

Shout Out! to Your Favorite Band Kids

Dear Hayfield Bands Friends and Family, 

Place a shout OUT! in our upcoming High School Band Concert program! It’s a great way to either advertise OR send a public message of love and support to your band student(s)! 

What is a shout OUT!?  

A personal advertisement printed in the Concert Program that lets someone know that you’re wishing them well, are proud of them, or whatever you want to say in a BIG way.  

What to include in a shout OUT! 

Advertising? Send your logo, business card, or ad. 

Lovin’ on your kid? Send a baby picture, a vacation shot, or their senior portrait - add a caption including your child’s name - and there’s your shout OUT!  

shout OUT! Submissions are for the final concert program of the year, on May 24th, and will be edited/approved by Hayfield Band Staff or Boosters. We reserve the right to change anything as needed for format and/or appropriateness. 

Please complete the order form attached to this message; make checks payable to Hayfield Band Boosters, and send it in a sealed envelope to Mr. Burke - attention shout OUT! Orders. Email your images, in high resolution .png or .jpg file format to Trina Estrada-Good at  

shout OUT! order deadline is 3pm, May 1, 2018.