Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Concert Uniforms

Our concert time is nearing and now would  be a good time to think about uniforms.

The boys are your responsibility.

With the girls, we will have our dress fitting  next week. The girls who were in Middle School advanced symphonic band  band last year, or any of the  high school bands already have this dress.

The girls new to the program, or needing a dress will need to bring in a check for $65 dress fee. Please make the check out to

the Hayfield Band Boosters.

If you cannot afford a dress, we have a few gently used dresses.


If you have any questions, please let me know.




All students in band are required to wear a specific uniform for concerts.  The first High  School Symphonic Band performance with the uniforms for this season will be December 13, 2016.


The gentlemen are required to wear black tuxedo pants, coat , a black bow tie, black cummerbund and a white tuxedo shirt.

  Parents of males are on their own to source this through local retailers.


The ladies are required to wear a black dress sold by Stage Accents.  We save on shipping by placing one large order.  To prepare for the order, we'll have volunteers from Band Boosters in the classroom soon to measure the ladies and take orders.  If your daughter needs to order a dress this year, please send in a check for $65.00 made payable to Hayfield Band Boosters. Deadline for payment is November 4,2016.






Patrick Burke

Director of Bands

Hayfield Secondary School

7630 Telegraph Road

Alexandria, Virginia 22315


