Thursday, August 27, 2015


Good morning and Happy Band Season!

Just a few reminders....

1- Please let me know if you do not want to be included on this email list. We have deleted those who responded to the last email.

2 - Please visit our SignUpGenius page at
Please check back often as events are added to the calendar. We need your help and support for a successful band year. We ask that each family try to sign up for at least 3-5 events.

3- Please join us tomorrow evening at 6 p.m. For the Marching Band Exhibition and potluck dinner.  We ask that families contribute the following:
Last names starting
A-F appetizer/side
G-R main dish
S-Z dessert
And we ask that all bring a 2-liter bottled beverage.

Join our Facebook page at

Thank you!!

The Hayfield Band Boosters!