Message for Boosters with Graduating Seniors....
It is a Hayfield Band tradition to honor the seniors during the Final Concert scheduled for 30 May 13. We are preparing a slide show that shows the graduating seniors' growth through the years.
Please provide 3 pictures of your child (these should span infancy to senior year). Please provide hard copies of pictures or digital images by May 24. Please have your student deliver any hard copies to Mr. Burke (be sure to include the student's name); send digital images to the Booster e-mail account
Upcoming Events
24 May, last day to submit pictures of our Graduating Seniors
30 May, Band Concert, 7:00 p.m.
10 Jun, Tri-M Music Dept Awards, Pot Luck Dinner
13 Jun, Graduation, 4:30 p.m., Wind Ensemble
Please feel free to contact me or any of the Band Booster officers with questions and concerns.
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids
Cell 703-582-2380
Work 703-448-6081x121
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