Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HSS Band 2010-11.29 FRUIT Tomorrow! Concert THURSDAY

Hi Band Boosters,

Just a reminder that our fruit order is scheduled to arrive tomorrow: Wednesday, December 8 at around 2pm. Contact our Fruit-Sale Chair Linda Lichtman if you can help unload the truck or if you have questions about pick-up; etc. '['worker bees' to help unload are GREATLY appreciated!]

Wednesday: You'll be able to pick up your fruit soon after the truck is unloaded. Linda has offered to stay for a little while for anyone who wants to come by Wed afternoon to get their order (send her an email if you'd like to connect with her ahead of time).

Thursday: Come before or after the concert ... the concert starts at 7pm; students report at 6pm ... fruit pickup will be from 6pm - 6:45 and then after the concert. IF YOU CAN HELP LINDA WITH FRUIT DISTRIBUTION, please send her an email.

Concert Thursday at 7pm; students report at 6pm wearing their concert finery (tuxes for boys; concert dress for girls)

All-District Band Auditions Saturday at West Potomac HS: check this link for details (including audition times for each student): http://www.hayfieldbands.com/id34.html

Tiny Tots Friday morning ~ Thanks to those who've said they can help - see you around 8:45 - 9am in the band room

Senior Photos: At the final concert of the year in June, we present a slide show recognizing all our seniors. This year, Mark Sudik has volunteered to create the slide show. We have a LOT of seniors ; so this is a big task (thanks, Mark!). It is not too early to send him photos for the slide show: a 'baby' picture; a 'middle-years' picture; and a senior picture. You can email your digital photos to Mark --or contact him with questions

I love to hear from you; let me know if you have questions or comments or ideas about band ....

Humbly serving our kids,