Friday, November 19, 2010

HSS Band 2010-11.25 Reminder from Mr. Burke; Senior pictures for end-of-year concert

Dear Band Boosters,

Please see this note from Mr. Burke about attendance for marching band at football game(s):

The marching band will continue to attend the games in support of the football team, and in accordance with the commitment we made at the beginning of the season with regard to grades.

If the football team wins this Friday night, Nov. 19, then the next game will be either Friday, Nov. 26 or Sat. Nov. 27. This will be a volunteer participation game since it is a Holiday weekend. A poll will be taken on Monday, Nov. 22 to gauge attendance for the game. If we get enough members to go, we will go. This game will not affect grades.

I know there are commitments that may conflict with these games. The best policy is to let Mr. Burke know as soon as possible, so something can be worked out.

SENIOR SLIDE SHOW: end-of-year concert

To ALL band members: Wind Ensemble; Symphonic Band; Marching Band; Color guard; etc.

At the final concert of the year in June, we present a slide show recognizing all our seniors. This year, Mark Sudik has volunteered to create the slide show. We have a LOT of seniors (there were 27 in marching band for instance); so this is a big task (thanks, Mark!). It is not too early to send him photos for the slide show: a 'baby' picture; a 'middle-years' picture; and a senior picture. You can email your digital photos to Mark --or contact him with questions -- at

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the game tonight - Go Hawks!
