Sunday, April 25, 2010

HSS Band 2009-10.63 WANTED: Senior Pictures for Slide Show

Dear Band Families,
It's time for the Senior Slide Show!! (Each year we include a tribute to our graduating seniors at the June Concert.)

We have some 'default' pictures to use for your child -- see attached. (ha ha )

If you'd like a more accurate picture, please send something to Mary Ann Mulligan ASAP. (Mary Ann has again volunteered to put together the slide show; thanks, Mary Ann!!!).

She usually asks for 3 pictures: a baby picture; a "middle-years" photo; and a senior-year photo. You can email her directly at:

Questions? Ask Mary Ann, or Mr. Burke, or me (

I'll be sending out more details soon on the calendar for the rest of the year (band booster meeting; concert schedule; etc.) Keep checking the Band Web Site for updates. (

Humbly serving our kids,
Lorraine Monaco