Tuesday, December 15, 2009

HSS Band 2009-10.45 Tiny Tots on the Road!

Hi Band Family!

(1) Congrats for All District Band Auditions!
Unofficial results for HS are up on the Jeb Stuart web site; http://www.raiderband.org/alld/High%20School09results.htm You have to know your audition # to check your results. As soon as the official results are released, Mr. Burke will post them (and then I'll share them in an email).

Unofficial results for MS are that all of our Hayfield students made it! Congrats to: Sonia Romero (Flute), Elissa Lichtman, (Clarinet), Rebecca Booth, Mitchell Burke (Euphonium), Tanner Beck (Percussion), Stephen Sudik (Percussion), Jonathan Baik (Bari Sax)

(2) Tiny Tots on the Road to Ft. Belvoir!
When: Monday, December 21
Where: concert at Ft. Belvoir Elementary
Who: HS wind ensemble students and those symphonic band students who are costumed characters

12 noon - Truck volunteers load equipment and instruments
12:18pm - Students report to band room (help finish loading truck) Students will miss 6th period.
12:30pm - Truck leaves for Ft. Belvoir (Tulley Gate, on Route 1)
1:00pm - Buses with students (with instrument and music) and chaperones leave for Ft. Belvoir (Beulah Road Gate)
2:30pm - Performance
3:30pm - Deliver candy canes to classrooms; enjoy pizza and drinks
4:30pm - Load buses to return to Hayfield
5:00pm - Return to Hayfield, put away instruments, costumes, etc.

Note: Thank you to those who have said they can chaperone and accompany the students. If you can still help out by chaperoning on the bus, please confirm by replying to this email (bandlsm@gmail.com). Please have a photo ID with you in case of security checks.

If you think you'd like to attend, but don't want to ride the bus, please let me know and I can give you further details. (There are special security restrictions, directions, etc.)

Another note: The return times are approximate; the buses cannot leave until Ft. Belvoir elementary dismissal is over and all their buses have cleared the bus lanes. (Ft. Belvoir dismissal time is 4pm; last bus usually leaves around 4:20pm)

The concert will be performed in the gym at Ft. Belvoir elementary with an audience of about 600 students (K-2) and teachers. (Seating may be limited; there aren't chairs; it is "on the floor seating.")

This concert was arranged by the Ft. Belvoir Elementary Head Librarian (and HSS parent!) Lory Monaco-Stevenson, with help from the Belvoir School Parent Liaison (and HSS parent!) Gwen Jefferson, and paid for by Ft. Belvoir. This is such a great opportunity both for our high school students, and the elementary school students who will get to enjoy the holiday music!

(3) Schedule for the rest of this week:
Thursday, Dec.17, no Jazz Band
2:30pm-5:30pm Drum Line

As we approach Winter Break, I hope all our students and families are looking forward to a restful and fun-filled break from routine!

Humbly serving our kids,
Lorraine Monaco