Hi Band Boosters,
Hayfield has the great opportunity to host the All District Band Festival next weekend, February 4, 5, and 6. The students arrive Thursday afternoon, Feb. 4. They rehearse all day Friday, Feb 5., and Saturday morning, Feb 6. They perform a concert at 3pm on Saturday afternoon.
During the festival, we provide food and drink for the band directors and the students. And, this is where we need some extra help. If you can volunteer a few hours either Friday or Saturday to help sell snacks and drinks, please consider helping out. (Note: Students can use this to fulfill service hour obligations.) Please see the schedule below for details --- we have a few empty slots on Friday, and many empty slots on Saturday.
There's a sign-up list and schedule at a new site called "SignUp Genius" . . . just visit the site and follow the instructions to sign up . . .
If you have trouble with the electronic sign-up (or if you'd prefer just to contact me directly), please let me know at bandlsm@gmail.com -- you also can just tell me what shift you're able to help out with, and I can put your name down.
Friday, setup 7am-8am Lorraine, Atsuko (Lorraine has to leave from 7:45 to 8:15), ___________
Friday, concessions 8-11 Atsuko, Jessica (after 8:30), Mary Anne
Friday, concessions 11-2 Marie, Amy, Karen
Friday, concessions 2-5 Students Tea and Tosca Lanfranconia, Dottie, __________
Saturday, setup 7:30-8am Lorraine, Atsuko
Saturday, concessions 8-11 Atsuko, ______________, ____________
Saturday, lunch (setup and serve) Atsuko, ____________, _______________, _______________, ______________
Saturday concessions 1-3 Atsuko, ______________, _______________
Many thanks to Sherri Parmley, who has volunteered to make the big Costco run for supplies before the event. Thanks also to Kim Barber and Dottie Andrews for handling hospitality for the band directors, and Atsuko Russell for helping co-ordinate the snack concessions. Also - thanks to: Amy Taylor, Karen Reed, Jessica Tyeryar, Mary Anne Mulligan, Marie Sudik, and students Tea and Tosca Lanfranconia for signing up to help already.
If you check out SignUpGenius, please send me your feedback . . . is it easy to use? would you recommend using it again? etc. I think it's a cool idea, and I hope it could make organizing future events easier (and more fun!).
Finally, two notes:
(1) I invite you to attend the 3pm concert on Saturday, February 6 - and spread the word to friends and family. It's such an impressive accomplishment when - after a day and a half of rehearsals - these talented young musicians perform a top-notch concert.
and (2) congratulations to all the band students who did so well at this year's Science Fair! I don't have a complete list compiled yet, but it was truly an impressive number of band students who received top honors at the Science Fair. Well done!
As always, if you have questions, or suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to get in touch with me -- I'd love to hear from you.
Humbly serving our kids,
Lorraine Monaco