Sunday, September 29, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 16): Update for the week of 30 September

Greetings Boosters,
Friday night was another great night for football.   The band's half time show was fantastic with the God Bless the USA finale being a real crowd pleaser.  Thanks to the many Boosters that helped support the band Friday night: 
Pizza Dinner.  Thanks to Kristy Baik, Linda Lichtman and Kristy Moon for helping with setup, serving and teardown.  Also, thanks to the parents who donated baked goods for the pizza dinner.  It was a pleasant surprise and the students enjoyed the treats. 
Uniforms.  Thanks to Yvette Sutton, Julie Do, Eva Romero, and Veronica Quezada for helping to create calm out of the chaos in the uniform room.   They were able to distribute and store uniforms in record time.  Thanks to Kelley John for handling plume distribution.
Snacks and Water:  Many thanks to  Michelle Paxton, Ellen Hishta, Carol Citron, Eva Romero, Nancy Harris, Kelley John, Mark Dalton, and Nava Ezra for your generous water and snack donations.  You ensured that we had more than enough food and drink for the students and we truly appreciate your generosity. 
Pit Crew.  Thanks to John Hishta, Simon and Kelley John, Obaid Tawakul, Mark Dalton, Michelle Paxton, Patrick Cloud, Melvin Cloud, Rafael Quezada and Julie Do for getting the equipment out to the stadium, supporting half time and returning the equipment to the band room. 
Notes for the Upcoming Week
Band Booster Meeting.  The Band Booster meeting previously scheduled for 3 October has been canceled due to a conflict with other programs at Hayfield.  A note will be forwarded when it is rescheduled.  If you have topics that you would like to see on the agenda, please send them to
Other Notes
Spring Trip.  The Spring Trip is planned for May 1-3.  This year the band will be traveling to New York, New York. The purpose of the trip is to perform and participate in an informal workshop with highly skilled clinicians at a leading national university.  The trip includes bus transportation, two nights lodging, clinicians' honoraria, two breakfasts, one lunch, three dinners, a ticket to a major Broadway performance, and admission to New York attractions.  Students will need to bring money for one breakfast, two lunches, and leisurely shopping.  The cost is $600 and will be divided into 5 payments of $120.00.  Payment 1 is due by October 4.  The remaining payment schedule follows:  Payment #2 is due by November 1; Payment 3 is due by January 10; Payment 4 is due by February 7; and Payment 5 is due by March 7. 
Checks should be made payable to Hayfield Secondary School.  Payment 5 may be adjusted using any credit in a student's fundraising account (from Tag Day participation or fruit sales).  There are also chaperone opportunities for the trip.  Chaperone costs are the same as the student cost; payments are due on the same schedule.
Fruit Sale.  The Fruit Sale is coming!  Our second fundraiser of the year will begin mid-October.  The students sell oranges and grapefruit from Florida's Indian River Groves for $20.00 per box from October 15-November 1.  A portion of each sale is credited to the student's fundraising account.  Additional information will be coming home with your student.soon.
Band Videos.  Thanks to Jean Martelli for links to Hayfield Marching Band Performances.  The following performances have been posted:  Friday, 20 September and Friday 27 September
E-mail.  If you know someone who should be getting our e-mails, please ask them to send me a note to  Likewise, if you do not wish to receive our e-mails, please send me a note.
Become a Band Patron.  You can support the band program with a Band Booster membership.  Annual membership is $10 per person or $20 per family.  For a donation of $30 or more, you will be designated a patron and recognized on the concert programs.  Your contributions help to defray the costs of music, uniforms and instruments.  All donations are tax deductible.  I am attaching a 2013-14 membership form.  If you are interested, please place your completed form and your contribution in the Band Booster box that is located in the Band Room.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
Hayfield Band Booster Blog
Band Calendar
October 2013
4          AWAY GAME@ Wakefield
            Rehearsal 2:30-3:30pm
11         AWAY GAME@ Yorktown
            Rehearsal 2:30-3:30pm
15         Fruit Sale Begins
            Rehearsal at 3pm, dinner and dress 5 pm
25         HOMECOMING – Mt.Vernon
            Rehearsal, Parade, dinner, dress and game
November 2013
            Rehearsal at 3pm, dinner and dress 5 pm
3          PARADE – Hayfield Farm 1 pm
8          AWAY GAME @ Edison
14         MARCHING BAND AWARDS - 6:00 pm
15,22,29  Football playoffs
December 2012
5          Fruit Delivery & Pick-up
7          All District Band Auditions 
            West Potomac High School
12         HIGH SCHOOL BAND CONCERT - 7 pm
13         Tiny Tots Concert (Wind Ensemble) 9:30 am

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 15): Volunteers Needed for Home Football Game Friday, 27 September

Volunteers are needed across the board for Friday Night's game.  Please consider donating a couple of hours to help move equipment, distribute uniforms, or provide other support required.  Needs are listed on our Signup Genius site.   
We would like to continue to provide the same level of support to the Band program that we have provided in past years.  That requires volunteer manpower. 
The Spirit Wear order arrived yesterday.  It will be distributed to the students tomorrow during the pizza dinner.
If you are making a snack or water donation, please provide your donation before 6 p.m.  These items must be loaded into bins and coolers and transported to the field by the equipment movers shortly after 6 p.m. 
Please donate snack items that are individually packaged.  Items that are popular with the students include granola and cereal bars, chips, pop tarts, cookies, etc.  If you are donating water, please provide a full case (ranges from 24-35 bottles depending on where you buy it) of 8 oz bottles.  We are using 8 oz bottles this year to avoid the waste we observed last year when we used 16 oz bottles. 
If you have signed up for a food or water donation and are subsequently unable to provide it, please let us know 24 hours in advance.  We are supporting over 85 students this year (almost double that of last year) so every item is needed.
Snacks and water should be dropped off in the band room.  Please leave them in the uniform closet where they will be secure until game time. 
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
Hayfield Band Booster Blog
Hayfield Band Calendar

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 14): Home Football Game Friday, 27 September

Greetings Boosters,
Friday night was a great night for football.   I'm sure you all enjoyed seeing the band's half time show as well as watching them keep the Hawk spirit high in the stands.  I would like to thank the many Boosters that pitched in to provide exceptional support to the band on Friday night.
Pizza Dinner.  Thanks to John and Ellen Hishta for organizing Friday night's dinner.   Also thanks to Kristy Baik, Linda Lichtman and Eva Romero for helping with setup, serving and teardown. 
Uniforms.  Thanks to Theresa Larsen for finishing a mountain of uniform repairs for us this week.  Theresa also had the uniforms cleaned and back in the band room for Friday night.  Thanks  to Eva Romero, Patrick Cloud, and Mrs Burke for helping to fit 20 students in uniforms on Friday night.   Finally, thanks to Julie Do for helping store the uniforms after the game.
Snacks and Water:  High fives to Kristy Moon, Kelley John, Ben DeShields, Catherine Kingsley, Michelle Paxton, Carol Citron and Eva Romero for your generous donations. 
Pit Crew.  Thanks to Michael Adams, John Hishta, Simon and Kelley John, Obaid Tawakul, Paul Loyola, and Melvin Cloud for getting the equipment out to the stadium, supporting half time and returning the equipment to the band room. 
Notes for the Upcoming Week
Home Football Game.  Our next home game is scheduled for Friday night, 27 September.  The Band will practice after school from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  The Band Room will be open for the students after practice and they will be able to wait there until game time.  At 5:00 p.m., the Band Boosters will provide pizza and drinks for the pre-game meal. 
Football games require a lot of Booster support.  We are still looking for volunteers for most of the slots needed to support the football game.  Please go to Signup Genius and let us know where you will help. 
If you are making a snack or water donation, please provide your donation before 6 p.m.  Please donate snack items that are individually packaged.  Items that are popular with the students include granola and cereal bars, chips, pop tarts, cookies, etc.  If you are donating water, please provide a full case (ranges from 24-35 bottles depending on where you buy it) of 8 oz bottles.  We are using 8 oz bottles this year to avoid the waste we observed last year when we used 16 oz bottles.
Snacks and water should be dropped off in the band room.  Please leave them in the uniform closet where they will be secure until game time. 
 Other Notes
Restaurant Nights.  Kristy Baik has volunteered to lead our restaurant night fundraiser this year.  Our goal is to sponsor two restaurant nights this year.  More information will be coming on the restaurants selected. 
Band Booster Meeting, 3 October.  The Boosters meet twice during the school year.  Our Fall meeting is scheduled for 3 October, 7 p.m. in the Band Room.  If you have a topic that you would like to see on the agenda, please send me a note at
E-mail.  If you know someone who should be getting our e-mails, please ask them to send me a note to  Likewise, if you do not wish to receive our e-mails, please send me a note.
Become a Band Patron.  You can support the band program with a Band Booster membership.  Annual membership is $10 per person or $20 per family.  For a donation of $30 or more, you will be designated a patron and recognized on the concert programs.  Your contributions help to defray the costs of music, uniforms and instruments.  All donations are tax deductible.  I am attaching a 2013-14 membership form.  If you are interested, please place your completed form and your contribution in the Band Booster box that is located in the Band Room.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
Hayfield Band Booster Blog
Hayfield Band Calendar
Band Calendar
September 2013
27          HOME FOOTBALL GAME-Wash/Lee
October 2013
3          Band Booster Meeting 7 pm band room
4          AWAY GAME@ Wakefield
            Rehearsal 2:30-3:30pm
11         AWAY GAME@ Yorktown
            Rehearsal 2:30-3:30pm
15         Fruit Sale Begins
            Rehearsal at 3pm, dinner and dress 5 pm
25         HOMECOMING – Mt.Vernon
            Rehearsal, Parade, dinner, dress and game
November 2013
            Rehearsal at 3pm, dinner and dress 5 pm
3          PARADE – Hayfield Farm 1 pm
8          AWAY GAME @ Edison
14         MARCHING BAND AWARDS - 6:00 pm
15,22,29  Football playoffs
December 2012
5          Fruit Delivery & Pick-up
7          All District Band Auditions 
            West Potomac High School
12         HIGH SCHOOL BAND CONCERT - 7 pm
13         Tiny Tots Concert (Wind Ensemble) 9:30 am

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 13): Home Football Game Tomorrow, 20 September

Greetings Boosters,
Our first home game is scheduled for Friday night, 20 September.  The Band will perform at halftime as well as entertain the fans in the stands. 
The Band will practice after school from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  The Band Room will be open for the students after practice and they will be able to wait there until game time.  At 5:00 p.m., the Band Boosters will provide pizza and drinks for the pre-game meal.  
Home football games require a lot of Booster support.  Although most of the slots are filled for tomorrow night, I am still looking for a couple of Boosters to help move equipment before the game, during halftime, and after the game.  If you are able to help, please let me know on our Signup Genius site.
I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow night!
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
Hayfield Band Booster Blog
Hayfield Band Calendar

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hayfield Band Boosters (Message 12): First Home Football Game, 20 September

Greetings Boosters,
Highlights from last week
Tag Day #2.  The students went into the neighborhoods surrounding Hayfield in force to collect Tag Day donations for a second weekend.   Forty five students participated and collected over $5200 for the day.  Tag Day #1 receipts were $6040.  In addition, over $900 arrived by mail from the Sorry We Missed You envelopes that students distributed throughout the community during Tag Day #1. 
Tag Day is our major fundraiser.  Congratulations to all who made Tag  Day 2013 a success.  Special thanks to Tag Day coordinators Michelle Booth, Ellen Hishta and Janaia DeShields.  Finally, thanks to the many volunteers, including:
      • Drivers:  Catherine Kingsley, Michelle Paxton, John Hishta, Ron Schmidt, Kristy Baik, Melvin Cloud, Carlos Pinta, Simon John, Julie Barber, Ellen Hishta, and Sherri Tupik
      • Food Donations:  Ellen Hishta, Catherine Kingsley, Rafael Quezada, Kristy Moon, Sylvia Fischer, Nancy Harris, Mary Beth Williams
      • Tallying donations.  Liz Brent, Theresa Larsen, Ellen Hishta, Janaia DeShields and Lisa Stevenson
      • Uniform Repairs:  Bobbi Yoshida 
Notes for the Upcoming Week
First Home Football Game.  Our first home game is scheduled for Friday night, 20 September.  The Band will practice after school from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  The Band Room will be open for the students after practice and they will be able to wait there until game time.  At 5:00 p.m., the Band Boosters will provide pizza and drinks for the pre-game meal. 
Football games require a lot of Booster support.  We are still looking for volunteers to help with the pizza dinner, uniform distribution and equipment movement.  Please go to Signup Genius and let us know where you will help.
Other Notes
Spirit Wear.  The Spirit Wear order was finalized this weekend.  We expect the items to be shipped the week of 23 September.  We're hoping that our items will arrive in time for the game against Washington/Lee, 27 September.
Become a Band Patron.  You can support the band program with a Band Booster membership.  Annual membership is $10 per person or $20 per family.  For a donation of $30 or more, you will be designated a patron and recognized on the concert programs.  Your contributions help to defray the costs of music, uniforms and instruments.  All donations are tax deductible.  I am attaching a 2013-14 membership form.  If you are interested, please place your completed form and your contribution in the Band Booster box that is located in the Band Room.
E-mail.  If you know someone who should be getting our e-mails, please ask them to send me a note to  Likewise, if you do not wish to receive our e-mails, please send me a note.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at
Pat Cloud
Humbly Serving Our Kids

Cell 703-582-2380
Hayfield Band Booster Blog
Hayfield Band Calendar
Band Calendar
September 2013
20          HOME FOOTBALL GAME - Centreville
27          HOME FOOTBALL GAME-Wash/Lee
October 2013
3          Band Booster Meeting 7 pm band room
4          AWAY GAME@ Wakefield
            Rehearsal 2:30-3:30pm
11         AWAY GAME@ Yorktown
            Rehearsal 2:30-3:30pm
15         Fruit Sale Begins
            Rehearsal at 3pm, dinner and dress 5 pm
25         HOMECOMING – Mt.Vernon
            Rehearsal, Parade, dinner, dress and game
November 2013
            Rehearsal at 3pm, dinner and dress 5 pm
3          PARADE – Hayfield Farm 1 pm
8          AWAY GAME @ Edison
14         MARCHING BAND AWARDS - 6:00 pm
15,22,29  Football playoffs
December 2012
5          Fruit Delivery & Pick-up
7          All District Band Auditions 
            West Potomac High School
12         HIGH SCHOOL BAND CONCERT - 7 pm
13         Tiny Tots Concert (Wind Ensemble) 9:30 am